What COVID precautions are being taken?

Keeping everyone safe is my #1 priority. The studio has an air purifier that is running 24/7. The room is deep cleaned and sanitized after each session. All fabric items are laundered, with baby friendly detergent and all surfaces are wiped down with appropriate disinfectants.


  • I have been fully vaccinated.

  • Temperatures of all participants are monitored, including mine.

  • Face masks are recommended to be worn by anyone not having images made. I wear a mask the entire time and when working with newborns.

  • Lots of hand washing and hand sanitizer is used.

  • No one is permitted in the studio if they or someone in their household is even remotely sick (colds etc).

  • If you still have concerns, let’s talk through additional steps that may be taken to make everyone feel more comfortable.

Does my newborn session have to be in the studio?

The studio gives us the most options, From lighting, outfits, props, backdrops, everything needed is right there. In-home sessions are possible but the images produced will have a different look and feel.

How long is a session?

Newborn sessions are typically 2-3 hours, which allows a cushion in case we need extra breaks for soothing or feeding. We will work as long as we have a willing baby. We don’t want to push it if baby shows signs of fatigue with the process. High school senior portraits and family sessions can take a similar 2-3 hours, especially if there are multiple locations utilized.

When should I book my newborn session?

Within the first few weeks of a newborn coming home is an ideal time for a newborn session. At this young age, babies are still very sleepy, naturally curl into adorable positions, and are more easily posed and moved to make a terrific image. Older babies are of course still adorable, yet these sessions need a little extra time and patience to make images. So the answer is the sooner the better but anytime is great! You can even book the session based on your due date and we can adjust as needed once the little one arrives.

How is my/our session styled?

It all starts with a pre-planning session to talk through the client’s thoughts. These can be done in person and include a studio tour or may be done over Zoom, or on the phone.

There are numerous options for a photography session, no matter the age or number of people being photographed. For indoors there is the look and feel, wardrobe/outfits, colors, props and backgrounds. For outdoors, there are lots of options of nature, industrial, urban and country. Metro Denver, and the foothills have numerous locations that can be used to create the look and feel desired.

How long after the session will I receive the images?

I am always eager to dive into the images and edit. First look at images typically happens within a few days and the full session within a week. If prints are desired, delivery is typically within 7-10 days of an order.

Do we get to keep the digital images?

There are multiple package options that all include digital images and a print/media release for you to use these images.

How much?

Pricing varies based on sessions, number of people involved and final images delivered. There is a fixed session fee then a variety of packages that include prints and electronic images. See Newborn pricing under Information section

Are the “Places” images for sale?

Absolutely! The ‘store’ section of the website is under construction. In the meantime, let me know images you are interested in and I can provide pricing for printing and framing if desired.

Tips for High School Senior Portrait Sessions?

  • Pre-consultation is key - this is crucial for us to plan a photo session location that matches who you are. Together we will talk through options based on personality, likes, style.

  • Weather plan? While we can certainly make senior photos in a studio, the outdoor ones offer a lot more variety. If bad weather arrives on the scheduled day, we can postpone until the weather changes.

  • Time of day? The best times for outdoor sessions are either early morning or closer to sunset for the ‘golden hour’ of lighting.

  • Outfit changes? Absolutely! I recommend having clothing options. This depends a little on the location and having a place to change, but changing outfits is a key part of the session variety.

  • Friends and family? With the current pandemic, while we want to limit the number of people involved, a friendly face or 2 is fine. The key is that the senior needs to feel comfortable. So someone who helps with that can certainly be an asset.